I am a biologist, more precisely an ichthyologist, interested in understanding the impressive freshwater fish diversity. Since my Biology degree I have worked from different perspectives aimed to understand patterns that we can find through our rivers. This has allowed several scientific expeditions in collaboration with national and international research institutions. I have contributed to creating guides and identification keys, species lists and discovering and describing new species. I have also worked to identify fish species as conservation objects and expand Regional and National Protected Areas in Colombia. In all of my projects, always I try to go together with the indigenous and local fish knowledge in order to not losing it. I am currently involved in projects with the Ichthyology laboratory of the Javeriana University in Colombia, and I also collaborate with researchers from other countries. You can see here my publications and do not hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to get your questions, comments, suggestions and ideas.
2015 | M.Sc. Biological Sciences. Emphasis: Ecology, Systematics and Conservation Biology. Pontifical Xavierian University. Ichthyology Laboratory. Systematics and Ecology Unit . Director. Saúl Prada-Pedreros Ph.D.
2007 | B.Sc. Fundación Universitaria Internacional del Trópico Americano UNITROPICO. Director. Javier Alejandro Maldonado-Ocampo Ph.D. Codirectores; Juan D. Bogotá-Gregory B.Sc & Gilberto Cortés-Millán s MSc.
2010-2023 | Consejo Profesional de Biología.
2009-2021 | Asociación Colombiana de Ictiólogos ACICTIOS
2015-2023 | Unidad de Sistemática y Ecología (UNESIS). Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Laboratorio de Ictiología Semillero de Ictiologia
2018-2021 | Ictiología y Cultura
2014-2016 | Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander Von Humboldt
2010-2014 | Semillero de Investigación en peces Amazónicos “Amazonfish” Adscrito a Colciencias. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas - Línea de Investigación Limnologia. Grupo: Byda. Universidad de la Amazonia adscrita a colciencias.
Urbano-Bonilla A, Melo O, Roa-Fuentes AC, Mendéz-López A, & Herrera-Collazos EE. Fish assemblage structure in flooded savannas of the Meta River, Orinoco basin: The role of biotic and abiotic factors (in preparation)
Urbano-Bonilla A & Prada-Pedreros S. Biotic Integrity Index using the fish community in the middle basin of the Cusiana River (Colombian Orinoquia) (in preparation)
Urbano-Bonilla A & Vanegas-Ríos JA. Description of a new species of the genus Ceratobrancia (Characiformes: Characidae) from the Orinoco drainage (in preparation)
Britzke R , Urbano-Bonilla A & Oliveira C. New species of Andinoacara from the Orinoco River basin (in preparation)
Vanegas-Ríos JA & Urbano-Bonilla A. Description of a new species of the genus Chrysobrycon (Teleostei: Characidae) from the upper basin of the Vaupés River, Colombian Amazonia (in preparation)
López Y, Zamora H, & Urbano-Bonilla A. Characidium kogui (Characiformes: Crenuchidae): a new endemic species from the north-west of Colombia, with a new secondary sexual character for the family (in preparation)